4 Tips For Avoiding AC Repair

30 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Repairs on your air conditioning unit can be downright inconvenient and expensive, which is why you want to do your part to avoid having to have these repairs done. Here are four tips for doing this:

  1. Always Schedule a Tune-Up: First off, before the summer season arrives, you should schedule for a tune-up to be done by a licensed air conditioning contractor. This will ensure that your AC unit is thoroughly inspected for any minor problems that can be repaired before your AC is going to start being used regularly. If any issues are found at this time, the repairs are going to be more affordable since they won't be large problems that were avoided for too long. This will also ensure that, once you start using your AC, you won't have to worry about your energy bills being extremely high since your AC will be working at its peak performance. 
  2. Don't Use the AC Too Often: Using the AC in the summer is great and definitely something you should enjoy, but only when it's absolutely needed. The more your air conditioner is used, the higher your chances of it needing repairs sooner rather than later. This means only using your air conditioner when you are home and set the temperature to what you are comfortable in. Just because you want it to be cool in your home doesn't mean your AC should be set to 65 degrees when you can easily be just as comfortable with it set to 75 or 78. 
  3. Take Other Measures to Keep Your Home Cool: The best thing you can do for your AC is to help it not have to work so hard to cool your home. To do this, you will want to shut the windows and the blinds to keep the sun out. You should also watch how often you are using appliances in your home. Consider making dinners that don't require you to turn on the stove or oven. You should also only do laundry during the cooler parts of the day, such as early in the morning or late at night. 
  4. Never Use DIY Methods: When you do notice a problem with you AC, it's best to call in the professionals instead of relying on DIY methods, which can only make the problem worse if you have no experience. In the end, you will actually save money on repairs, especially if you call in the professionals right away instead of waiting until the problem becomes worse. 

When you utilize these four tips for avoiding AC repair, you can save yourself a great deal of money on regular AC maintenance and energy costs, which will allow you to run your AC comfortably throughout the entire summer season.

For AC repair, contact a company such as Smedley & Associates, Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning.