3 Tips To Address Summertime AC Failures And Get You Through The Wait For Repairs

23 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog


During the summer months, when your AC is working its hardest to keep you cool, failures often mean a long wait for repairs. To deal with the situation and stay cool, you may want to try a few maintenance tasks yourself and do things to keep your home cool while the AC is off. Here are a few tips that will you deal with the summertime AC failures and waiting on repairs:

1. AC Compressor Freezing And Thawing To Cool Your Home Again

During the summer months, excessive strain during extreme heat can lead to components of the condensing unit to fail. These components include the coils and compressor, which will need to be cleaned to prevent the AC from freezing again. In addition, you will want to have these components inspected for damage. To get your AC to work again and cool your home, turn it off and let it completely thaw before turning it back on. If you thaw the AC without cleaning components, it will eventually freeze again. You can contact an AC repair contractor for help with cleaning these components and inspecting your damage caused by freezing.

2. Simple AC Maintenance That Could Solve Your Cooling Problems

When your AC goes on the blink during the summer heat, all it may need is a little TLC. There are several simple AC maintenance tasks that you can do to get your system cooling again. First, you will want to make sure you change the filters to ensure efficient air flow. In addition, you may want to do tasks like cleaning the outdoor condensing unit and repairing damaged ducts. Do all the maintenance that needs to be done to ensure your AC is working efficiently and reduce problems that lead to costly repairs.

3. Controlling Heat Gain And Keeping Your Home Cool While Waiting On Repairs

When you AC is broken and cannot be turned on, you are going to try everything you can to keep your home cool. The first thing that you want to do is reduce heat gain, which is caused by sunlight in windows and other problems. Make sure to keep window treatments closed to keep out as much heat as possible. During the cooler night hours, ventilation will help to keep things cool in your home by opening windows and using an attic fan if you have one.

These are some tips to help you deal with AC failures during the summer heat and the wait on repairs. If you need help with your AC, contact an air conditioning repair service to end the waiting and get your home cool and comfortable again.