3 Common HVAC Installation Mistakes To Avoid

29 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Whether you live in a hot or cold area, an HVAC system can help you regulate temperature and humidity levels around your home. But a central air conditioning unit is only as good as its installation. Besides not functioning properly, a wrong installation also brings financial loss because of inefficiency in power use. HVAC installation errors can be avoided by technicians who know AC design and installation. What are some of these common mistakes you should avoid when doing replacement or installation?

Picking the Wrong HVAC Size

One of the most common HVAC installation mistakes made by homeowners is getting a unit that's too small or too big for their home or building. The size required depends on factors such as the number of people living in the home and how many rooms need air conditioning at the same time. 

An HVAC system with too big a capacity will cost you much money unnecessarily, while a small one doesn't do the job. So, it's important to be as accurate as possible when calculating heating and cooling requirements for your home.

When designing an HVAC system for a new home, make sure to talk to HVAC professionals about what capacity is suitable for your home. The technicians will be able to offer the most HVAC installation tips and advice regarding AC design for your home.

Poor Duct and Vent Design

HVAC installation mistakes related to ductwork and vent positioning are also common. Improper duct installation can make your HVAC system work harder than it should, causing too much tear and wear. Likewise, poorly positioned vents cause the system to overwork because of extra load on the fan or blower, thus causing an early failure of various components.

You shouldn't also make the mistake of retaining the old duct design when doing HVAC replacement. The new unit needs proper configuration to ensure proper running and efficiency.

Not Leaving Enough Space for the Condenser

One HVAC installation mistake is not leaving enough space for the HVAC condenser and ducts. These components should be positioned in an area with the right amount of space around them for components to operate efficiently. If you don't leave enough space, it will force the AC to work harder and consume more energy.

Are you looking forward to replacing your central air conditioning unit? Talk to an HVAC contractor about your home's air conditioning needs for an HVAC installation that ensures your family's comfort.

For more information on HVAC installation, contact a professional near you.