5 Clear Signs It Is Time For Furnace Replacement This Winter

27 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog


It's that time of year again when the weather starts to turn colder and you may be considering whether it is time to replace your old furnace. With a lifespan of about 15-20 years, furnaces can still be useful for many years after they have been installed. However, there are certain circumstances where it is time to consider replacing your furnace before winter arrives. Learning five clear signs that it is time for furnace replacement this winter can help you make the right decision for your home and wallet.

1. Old Age

The most obvious sign that it is time to replace your furnace this winter is its age. If your furnace has been in operation for more than 15-20 years, then it could be nearing the end of its lifespan. Older furnaces may not be able to handle the cold weather, and they can also become less efficient over time. It is best to replace them with a newer model that will be more reliable and cost-effective in the long run.

2. Increasing Repairs

If your furnace requires frequent repair visits, then it could be an indication that it is near the end of its life cycle and needs to be replaced. Newer furnaces are designed to last longer, so they won't need as many repairs or maintenance calls during their lifespans as older models do.

3. High Energy Bills

If your energy bill has been steadily increasing, then it could mean that your old furnace is becoming less efficient with age. Newer furnaces are designed to use less energy and produce more heat, so you may find yourself saving money on monthly bills if you replace your old furnace this winter.

4. Unusual Noises

Unusual noises coming from your furnace can also indicate that it is time for a replacement this winter. Rattling, buzzing, or screeching sounds coming from the unit can mean that something isn't working properly or needs to be repaired or replaced immediately. These signs indicate that you should get a professional to check out your furnace and make sure that it is in good working order before the cold weather sets in.

5. Poor Air Quality

If you notice an increase in dust, mold, or other airborne pollutants, then it could be due to an old and inefficient furnace. Replacing your existing unit with a newer model can help reduce these contaminants and improve indoor air quality significantly.

Knowing the five clear signs that it is time for furnace replacement this winter can help homeowners stay prepared as colder weather approaches. Although replacing a furnace may seem like a daunting task, it can help you save money on monthly energy bills and ensure that your home is safe and comfortable all winter long. If you notice any of the above signs, then it might be time to start thinking about hiring a furnace replacement professional to help you swap out your old furnace.